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December 7, 2019 0

We have extended our TEDxBucharest experience beyond the events, aiming to offer you access to workshops, people and places that make our community so vibrant. Now, this initiative has a name: TEDxBucharest Adventures!

You get the chance to access personalized workshops or lectures with our speakers while learning their craft behind the scenes. This December, we explore 2 TEDxBucharest Adventures dedicated to BOLD+BRILLIANT DAY attendees. Find out more below and sign-up quickly (first-come, first-served!).

Sources of balance – sources of unbalance

with Mario Barangea

– When: Sunday, December 8th, 4 – 6 PM
– Where: Sheida Coffee, 23 Ion Campineanu Street
– Participation is free, but a donation of 25 RON/person is recommended

About: interactive and exploratory workshop on the sources of balance (body, mind, social, spirit) and the origins of unbalance. The journey will help you explore your inner evolution while touching on references from philosophy, psychology, spirituality, and literature.

Sign-up Now!

Rewriting early life memories in the story of life

with Yolanda Cretescu

– When: Tuesday, December 10th, 7-9 PM
– Where: QREATOR, 8A Aviatorilor Blvd
– Participation is free, but a donation of 50 RON/person is recommended for supporting depreHUB

About: Childhood memories talk about us and our lifestyle and personality. This is why they are so important in how we give meaning to our adult life, how we build relationships with people around us and how we approach obstacles and milestones. A lecture intertwined with self-reflection and mindful moments about personality, healing, empowerment.

Sign-up Now!



November 24, 2019 0

Meet her at TEDxBucharestWomen 2019 on December 7th!

Silvia Batorii

Girls who code are awesome. Girls who dream about space travel are awesome. Girls who love science and engineering are awesome.

So, how do you fuel a child’s passion to make sure she becomes a BOLD+BRILLIANT woman?

Here is the recipe that worked for Silvia Batorii:

Encourage your girl if she has a passion for technical stuff. Silvia Batorii quickly got the nickname Minitehnicus as a child after creating imaginative toys out of Lego bricks or uncovering the mysteries of her first computer.

Don’t isolate children from art. It may not be the most obvious path to encouraging a young future techie but it really helps. Silvia remembers that her artistic experiences helped develop her thinking, creativity and spontaneity. And she also got more courageous in her interactions with people around.

Do as much as you can to expose your child to the right teacher. Silvia Batorii’s physics professor used to tell jokes about scientists but also challenged students to think about the applicability of what they learned in class. He created enthusiasm and excitement and that fueled her passion for science.

Allow space for a change of heart. Silvia struggled with programing and it didn’t feel like the right choice for her. She learned a lot by overcoming obstacles, but she was also able to make a significant change. She moved to study robotics and system automation and found her calling.

Many steps later Sivia became a BOLD+BRILLIANT woman who will share with you her first-hand views about space exploration, the secrets of the Universe and the relationship of the cosmos with humankind on the TEDxBucharestWomen stage on December 7th.

Tickets still available on

The content in this article is based on the interview Silvia Batorii gave to in June 2019.

Radu Bucur


November 24, 2019 0

Simona TacheSimona Tache is shifting her perspective. She is transitioning from a well-known journalist and blogger (and her self-confessed love for writing will never fade) to a psychotherapist who is motivated by the change she sees in patients.

You can see her on the TEDxBucharestWomen stage on December 7th.

But till then, here are 4 BOLD+BRILLIANT things you didn’t know about her.

  1. She had second thoughts about her education – during her high school years she didn’t get a clear picture of what she wanted to study for college. She was preparing for Medical School but she quickly realized it was not what she wanted to do. She hesitated between Philosophy, Psychology, Journalism or taking a one-year break to make up her mind. Pushed by her parents, she failed the Foreign Languages exam. After an encouraging talk with her Romanian teacher from high school, she gave an exam at the Faculty of Letters, without her parents knowing, and got in.
  2. She was afraid of writing but she quickly fell in love with it – while working at Humanitas she was tasked with writing letters to a few high schools. Simona recalls not feeling able to put two words together. Later, something changed, and she started writing more and more. She fell in love and that is how she ended up applying and getting a job at Tabu and later at Academia Cațavencu. Now she cannot imagine herself quitting writing. Who knows, maybe she will become a full-time writer. But now.
  3. She became a psychotherapist because she loves people, the way they work and their stories. And she also wants to break the myths and the concerns around therapy and to encourage more people to seek help. One of her great satisfaction is that she can see that therapy works and she enjoys measuring the results.
  4. She never felt like a blogger – many of us know her as a journalist. But we also enjoyed many of her witty, funny or serious blogposts. Yet she does not feel blogging is a real job. She enjoyed the freedom and the benefit of a platform where she could do the thing she loved most but she never liked being identified as a blogger.

You can see Simona Tache’s TEDxBucharestWomen Talk on December 7th. Tickets available on 

The content in this article is based on the interview Simona Tache gave to Andreea Vrabie in “Decât o Revistă” in April 2019.

Radu Bucur


November 21, 2019 0

TEDxBucharestWomen – this one-day event shines a spotlight on dazzling ideas and initiatives created by fabulous, trailblazing women. These women preparing to go on stage aren’t waiting for the world to become a better place – they’re making it one.

The line-up includes bold and brilliant women innovating in various fields, from transmedia and society to genetics, from psychology to mental wellness and awareness. The event also includes fresh speeches from TEDWomen2019 global and extra surprises.

Here are the first names to make this a day to remember:

Ioana Mischie
Transmedia artist & Futurist

Romanian-born transmedia artist and futurist, awarded for filmmaking, cinematic VR, interactive concepts. At TEDxBucharestWomen she will present her latest developments of Government of Children – A Manifesto for Tangible Utopias.
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Andreea Cătana
Medical Teacher, Scientist, Genetics Mastermind

We are proud to have her among the TEDxBucharestWomen in December and curious to find out more about her approach on ethics of high tech in medical genetics.
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Simona Tache
Therapist, journalist, scriptwriter, digital storyteller

She recently reinvented her path by becoming a therapist and psychologist. She promises a versatile speech, able to make us feel bolder and more brilliant, overcome obstacles and going forward in life without fear.
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Yolanda Crețescu
Journalist, scriptwriter, digital storyteller & therapist

She is a psychologist and Adlerian therapist, president of Happy Minds Association and creator of depreHUB. Yolanda is the restoring specialist, giving us hints on how to fix what’s broken inside us while continuing to live life at its fullest.
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TEDxBucharestWomen 2019 will be no less than a joyful, thought-provoking celebration of smarts, savvy and diverse dynamism created by bold and brilliant women. And you are invited to join us on December 7th at MNAR Auditorium (National Art Museum of Romania – Auditorium Hall).
Agenda, speakers, line-up, and tickets are online, updating as we move closer to the event day. Full day event pass is 150 RON, available on the website.
