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May 12, 2020 0

Yes, we know. Another podcast to follow each day. Yet this ain’t another podcast. TEDx SHORTS is a brand new proposal from TED. Less than 10 minutes a day, everyday, with eye-opening ideas from some of the world’s greatest TEDx speakers. Hosted by Atossa Leoni, TEDx SHORTS will immerse you in surprising knowledge, fresh perspectives, and moving stories from some of our most compelling talks. Tune in starting next Monday, May 18th. And check the trailer below for a glimpse of what’s to come.

Roxana Marin


March 13, 2020 0

Our 12th annual event is in the making. It’s time. Let’s turn the tide on climate!

2020 is the year for COUNTDOWN – a bold new initiative from TED to transform our cities and create a sustainable world for future generations. Countdown is about involving everyone to take action in response to the global climate crisis: politicians, CEOs, activists, celebrities, and citizens both young and old. Countdown is TED’s most global activation yet! TEDxBucharest is joining as part of TED and TEDx extended family.

2 days of talks, collaboration and commitments that we can track together, learn from and build on. The goal isn’t chit-chat. The goal is action. From everyone.

When: October 9th-10th

Where: To be announced asap



March 2, 2020 0

We want to be as inclusive as possible and make your TEDxBucharest experience a memorable one.
So this March 7th, we are accommodating an innovative and creative Playground at Auditorium Pallady.
A specially designed space with modular shapes and a labyrinth for kids aged up to 8 y.o. and created by partners Uplay and Tzitzipoc.

? Activities:

1️⃣ Meet Tzitzi & Poc: 2 PM – 2:50 PM
2️⃣ Slime workshop: 3 PM – 3:50 PM
3️⃣ Dance and free movement: 4 PM – 4:50 PM
4️⃣ Building workshop: 5 PM – 5:50 PM
5️⃣ Reuse old objects workshop: 6 PM – 6:50 PM



November 22, 2019 0

TEDxBucharest Metamorphosis – 2nd Face Reading workshop with Alex Bocunescu REGISTRATIONS Closed

We know we kept you waiting, but the best things come to those who wait. Speaker and face reading specialist Alex Bocunescu now organizing a second workshop.

WHEN: Tuesday, November 26th, starting at 7 pm

Here is the path to securing your seat: fill the form and make sure you show up!
Limited capacity to 25 attendees – confirmation will be received via email address filled in the form.



November 21, 2019 0

TEDxBucharestWomen – this one-day event shines a spotlight on dazzling ideas and initiatives created by fabulous, trailblazing women. These women preparing to go on stage aren’t waiting for the world to become a better place – they’re making it one.

The line-up includes bold and brilliant women innovating in various fields, from transmedia and society to genetics, from psychology to mental wellness and awareness. The event also includes fresh speeches from TEDWomen2019 global and extra surprises.

Here are the first names to make this a day to remember:

Ioana Mischie
Transmedia artist & Futurist

Romanian-born transmedia artist and futurist, awarded for filmmaking, cinematic VR, interactive concepts. At TEDxBucharestWomen she will present her latest developments of Government of Children – A Manifesto for Tangible Utopias.
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Andreea Cătana
Medical Teacher, Scientist, Genetics Mastermind

We are proud to have her among the TEDxBucharestWomen in December and curious to find out more about her approach on ethics of high tech in medical genetics.
read more

Simona Tache
Therapist, journalist, scriptwriter, digital storyteller

She recently reinvented her path by becoming a therapist and psychologist. She promises a versatile speech, able to make us feel bolder and more brilliant, overcome obstacles and going forward in life without fear.
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Yolanda Crețescu
Journalist, scriptwriter, digital storyteller & therapist

She is a psychologist and Adlerian therapist, president of Happy Minds Association and creator of depreHUB. Yolanda is the restoring specialist, giving us hints on how to fix what’s broken inside us while continuing to live life at its fullest.
read more

TEDxBucharestWomen 2019 will be no less than a joyful, thought-provoking celebration of smarts, savvy and diverse dynamism created by bold and brilliant women. And you are invited to join us on December 7th at MNAR Auditorium (National Art Museum of Romania – Auditorium Hall).
Agenda, speakers, line-up, and tickets are online, updating as we move closer to the event day. Full day event pass is 150 RON, available on the website.



November 18, 2019 0
We’re ending the year in a BOLD+BRILLIANT way: TEDxBucharestWomen.
This one-day event shines a spotlight on dazzling ideas and initiatives created by fabulous, trailblazing women. They aren’t waiting for the world to become a better place—they’re making it one.
Join us in championing bold & brilliant women and girls.
Save the date and place: December 7th, MNAR (Auditorium), 11 PM to 5 PM.
Soon, we’ll launch the full schedule and line-up. Stay tuned 🙂



November 16, 2019 0

We’ve set up 4 wonderful workshops for you, make sure you sign-up and show up because they are limited to 20 participants each.

Talking MATER & TEDxBucharest exclusive event with Mariana Popescu

When: Monday, November 18th, 11 AM

Where: NOD Makerspace (Splaiul Unirii 160)  

Mariana Popescu, architect and postdoctoral researcher has a strong passion for the fabrication process, use of materials in unusual contexts and experimentation. Mariana will share her experience from multidisciplinary projects while designing solar cars, fully self-sustaining houses or parametric design processes in the Netherlands.

The event addresses young designers, architects, engineers, students. 

The format will mix her thematic speech with a dedicated Q&A session. 

Limited capacity for 20 ppl. 

registration closed

Guided improvisation workshop by Ana Maria Lucaciu

When: Monday, November 18th, 12 – 2 PM

Where: Linotip Independent Choreographic Studio (Universul Palace, Ion Brezoianu no 23-25)

Content: Ana will use images and sensations to open-up and explore the possibilities of the physical and mental body. Suitable for amateurs, able to decide on difficulty level and involvement. 

Limited capacity for 20 ppl. 

registration closed

(Full capacity reached) Face reading workshop by Alex Bocunescu

When: Monday, November 18th, 7 – 9 PM 

Where: Qreator (8A Aviatorilor Blvd) 

Learn how face muscles correlate with emotional responses and behaviors. Get the best tips to uncover what’s behind people’s facial expressions and improve your communication skills.

Limited capacity for 20 ppl. 

registration closed – 2nd workshop to be announced soon

A conversation over a glass of wine

When: Monday, November 18th, 7 PM

Where: Qreator (8A Aviatorilor Blvd)

An immersion in the life, taste and intricacies of wine, with a parallel between business and everyday life. Dan Burlacu(Viile Metamorfosis) prepared a wine tasting workshop designed to indulge your palates.

Limited capacity for 20 ppl.

registration closed



November 10, 2019 0

18+ yo are invited to join the campaign and get the chance to win free access to our 11th TEDxBucharest event.

Here’s how it goes:
STEP 1: you have to visit the pop-up mini-stage at Qreator (Aviatorilor 8A Blvd., Bucharest) and record your one-minute idea that’s meant to inspire an individual or collective #metamorphosis.
STEP 2: our TEDxBucharest team will currate the best ideas and publish the videos on our Facebook page with #QreateMetamorphosis hashtag.
STEP 3: you have to get your friends’ support, likes, shares and comments & you can be a winner.

What’s in it for you?
You get a taste of #IdeasWorthSpreading. The best 10 ideas win double passes for #TEDxBucharest11. Everyone who records his/ her idea gets a 40% discount to any TEDxBucharest Metamorphosis pass.

The campaign is active November 1st to November 15th (3 PM). Winners will be announced on November 15th at 7 PM on our TEDxBucharest Facebook page.

So, do you feel inspired today? Visit #Qreator and tell the world how you #QreateMetamorphosis.



October 23, 2019 0

We’re back with our weekly digital conversation. Less than one month until we meet and now we have the perfect line-up of speakers and unique performances.

The latest 3 speakers added to TEDxBucharest Metamorphosis agenda are:

Antonia Bonello
Associate Creative Director Buzzfeed UK

Find out about creating engaging content on BuzzFeed’s platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat, leading the design, animation, illustration, photography, and interactive game content.
Check Antonia’s full profile

William Richard
AI Visionary and Doer, co-founder of LAIF Medical

Impelled by philosophy, inspired by art, empowered through science and technology, AI explorer.
Read more about William 


Sofia Scarlat
Activist and founder/ president of Girl UP Romania

Advocate of youth and gender equality and teen advisor for ONU.
Find out how this 16 years old found her voice


We know weekends full of ideas worth sharing are intense. 

If you want to join us for only one day, we’ve got the perfect day tic (109 EUR). Not knowing if you want to join us on Saturday or Sunday, then check the daily agenda first and decide afterwards.

No collective Metamorphosis is easy, but we’ll make sure the experience is immersive, transformative but also mild. Everything you want to ask (or know) about the upcoming event is in our FAQ section.
