Be Bold and Brilliant this December 7th!

TEDxBucharestWomen – this one-day event shines a spotlight on dazzling ideas and initiatives created by fabulous, trailblazing women. These women preparing to go on stage aren’t waiting for the world to become a better place – they’re making it one.
The line-up includes bold and brilliant women innovating in various fields, from transmedia and society to genetics, from psychology to mental wellness and awareness. The event also includes fresh speeches from TEDWomen2019 global and extra surprises.
Here are the first names to make this a day to remember:
Ioana Mischie
Transmedia artist & Futurist
Romanian-born transmedia artist and futurist, awarded for filmmaking, cinematic VR, interactive concepts. At TEDxBucharestWomen she will present her latest developments of Government of Children – A Manifesto for Tangible Utopias.
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Andreea Cătana
Medical Teacher, Scientist, Genetics Mastermind
We are proud to have her among the TEDxBucharestWomen in December and curious to find out more about her approach on ethics of high tech in medical genetics.
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Simona Tache
Therapist, journalist, scriptwriter, digital storyteller
She recently reinvented her path by becoming a therapist and psychologist. She promises a versatile speech, able to make us feel bolder and more brilliant, overcome obstacles and going forward in life without fear.
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Yolanda Crețescu
Journalist, scriptwriter, digital storyteller & therapist
She is a psychologist and Adlerian therapist, president of Happy Minds Association and creator of depreHUB. Yolanda is the restoring specialist, giving us hints on how to fix what’s broken inside us while continuing to live life at its fullest.
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