Dedicated Q&A w/ Ilinca Păun

Don’t forget, tickets still available for March 7th! Buy yours NOW!
?Q: What is the change you see / what are the changes you see in the conversation about women’s voice/role in the world?
?A: The woman’s new role is to be a community facilitator, nurturing communication across generations, hierarchic levels, and systems, and building communities as the new ingredient of organizations, not just internally but also externally, by engaging clients in decisions.
?Q: What still needs to be done?
?A: Romania is years behind western countries and we need to address many areas, from domestic violence to lacking options after maternity leave. In the corporate and entrepreneurial environment, women need to have in place specific helping tools in order to manage the multiple mixes of roles from mother to wife and great employee. There is no way a woman can balance well all she has to do, without help from its employers. Ideas like nursing places next to the office, short work days until the baby is two years old, having 2 coupling moms for the same role, for women with young kids and also special flexibility for mothers of kids with special needs, all these should be implemented sooner rather than later.
?Q: With regards to our event theme, Women March Together, what is the glue that links us women to create a better, more conscious world?
?A: The glue is the woman’s constant search for love, in everything she does.
?Q: What is the story you would say today about women?
?A: Keep learning and get educated on all areas of life. Mentor young women who have a great opportunity to become true leaders for the communities of the future.