2nd speaker for New Times, New Ways episode 2

New Times, New Ways: episode 2 introduces its 2nd special guest speaker: Alex Dona, communication & marketing specialist, entrepreneur and co-founder desprevin.ro. We’re so excited to meet him online this upcoming Thursday, June 11th, 4:30 – 6 PM, livestreamed here and hosted by our Creativity Partner Qreator.
Alex is an entrepreneur and media specialist with a broad experience in TV, print and digital. Former Managing Partner of TimesNewRoman, founder of the “Lupii Liberi“ music festival, radio host at RockFM and co-founder of the wine-centric platform desprevin.ro.
His passion for marketing and communication spans over 23 years. His most recent venture, started amidst the pandemic – desprevin.ro is a platform for wine aficionados eager to discover and understand wine, its origins, while touring weekly a different wine-cellar.
Welcome to this 2nd episode, Alex!
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