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?Q: What is the change you see / what are the changes you see in the conversation about women’s voice/role in the world?
?A: Women’s voice is stronger and stronger in all environments, including business. In organizations, women are present at all levels and they are making their way up to the boardroom. What women bring to the table is a more altruistic approach, a more empathic way of understanding the world and the human side and a sort of work hard and play hard philosophy.
?Q: What still needs to be done?
?A: From my practice of working with hundreds of women in important positions in corporations or entrepreneurs, I see that there is still room to lift up more and more the “glass ceiling” of own limitations, of feelings such as “not being good enough”, of compensations mechanisms such as “I need to do all, by myself at any price”.
?Q: With regards to our event theme, Women March Together, what is the glue that links us women to create a better, more conscious world?
?A: In my opinion, women have great strength, namely self-awareness. This is an important internal compass that helps them grow and contribute to a better place everywhere they are.
?Q: What is the story you would say today about women?
?A: I would tell a story about how our own fears and anxieties are the very ingredient for our career advancement and success, but also can be the very cause for our derailments. My pitch is about self-awareness and moderation.