RECUL is a creative environment with three main areas of action:
- RECUL Theatre: an independent theatre which develops classical theatre shows, improvised shows, sketch comedy, and musicals;
- RECUL School: a learning playground for adults and kids. The school has two components:
- The improvisation school with five levels of classes and coaching;
- The intuitive learning component which uses performing arts as a basis for developing other skills and behaviors such as empathy, communication, team-work, self-awareness, collaboration.
- RECUL Space: hosting all of the above-mentioned initiatives and being home for other creative projects from content creators – RECUL Space is situated on Splaiul Unirii 160 where you can find 850 square meters of theatre, school, socializing bar, and creative community.
The RECUL team members are: Vlad Dragomirescu, Bogdan Unitlă, Adina Maria Sandu, Adriana Bordeanu, Alexandra Băjan, Florin Lungu, Dan Miron, Dan Codreanu.
Discover a RECUL exclusive live performance at #TEDxBucharest11.