Ever wondered who is the brain behind nowadays masterminds’ speeches?
Over the last decade, Dex has advised CEOs and major US and UK political leaders on strategic communications and thought leadership. From 2008-10 he served as a speechwriter for UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, playing a key role in the development of the UN’s digital strategy. Following this, he joined Google as the company’s first executive speechwriter, where he managed communications for Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt.
From 2012-16 Dex was head of executive communications for Facebook, where he served as speechwriter to Mark Zuckerberg. Following this, Dex led communications for SpaceX, reporting to Elon Musk.
But the time of his metamorphosis came early.
As an immigrant and the son of a refugee, while being passionate about tech, public policy, and storytelling, Dex shifted his goal. He moved to London, became the Director of Brunswick Group, the leading critical issues advisory firm, and started working on issues around global connectivity and emerging technologies.
The Silicon Valley communications leader’s current interest is understanding how technology is transforming societies from the Rust Belt to Brexit Britain, rural India to Sub-Saharan Africa… To build a world of greater freedom, justice and prosperity, we need to hear the voices of more people from more communities.
#JoinMetamorphosis at #TEDxBucharest11 to watch the speechwriter craft his own voice.