Dedicated Q&A w/ Mădălina Uceanu

February 28, 2020 by TEDxBucharest0

Don’t forget, tickets still available for March 7th! Buy yours NOW!

?Q: What is the change you see / what are the changes you see in the conversation about women’s voice/role in the world?
?A: I feel that the conversation should no longer make so much of a difference between man and women, as this turns actually against us and can be perceived as positive discrimination. In our country at least, given the history, the differences are rather ancestral and not perceived as such in what regards the women’s voices or roles in professional life. I would dare to say that we are quite the opposite, having rather large numbers of successful women in very senior roles and we cannot be compared with the business environment across the ocean.

?Q: What still needs to be done?
?A: The differences should be accommodated, as we try to accommodate and understand different cultures, mentalities, I see the same need for empathy in what regards other differences between us, not only related to men and women.

?Q: With regards to our event theme, Women March Together, what is the glue that links us women to create a better, more conscious world?
?A: When thinking about accommodating differences, empathy plays a central role in the different approaches from man and women, consequently, I believe that this should and is already adding value in all interactions: professionally or socially and will probably prove a growing impact in social causes as well.

?Q: What is the story you would say today about women?
?A: I would say that we came a long way, but we should rather focus on normality now than on outlining differences.


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