Dedicated Q&A w/ Lucia

February 17, 2020 by TEDxBucharest0

Many of you keep asking us for more details about TEDxBucharestSalon – Women March Together, our speakers and performers. We heard you! ?
So we’re starting this short Q&A dedicated to you, fellow TEDsters. First one with Lucia, enjoy, comment or share.
Or all the above ???

Don’t forget, tickets still available for March 7th! Buy yours NOW!

Q: What are the changes you see in the conversation about women’s voices in the world?
? A: I feel like the conversation is finally being led by women, which is exactly how I feel things need to be. The narrative of women’s role is our narrative, so why should anybody else write it but us? The only downside is that this change is only visible in places of privilege, such as the one my opinion comes from.

? Q: What still needs to be done?
? A: Encouraging girls to know their worth and to speak up from a very young age, even more than we are doing it now. Making sure girls and young women have the opportunity to choose education as a path anywhere in the world.

? Q: With regards to our event theme, Women March Together, what is the glue that links us women to create a better, more conscious world?
? A: Empathy, respect and a deep understanding of what the many forms of wrongdoing and oppression can look and feel like. There’s no such thing as fixing the future if you don’t understand the past and the present.

? Q: What is the story you would say today about women?
? A: A positive, powerful and hopeful story. A story about trust, teamwork and overcoming all types of obstacles.

#tedxbucharest #womenmarchtogether #wemarchtogether


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